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“””” Toxic Skies
Cloud Seeding, Geoengineering, and Weather Modification Michael Fleming
Said Jeremy Jonathan Joseph Jones, “The weather is far too dry, So I reckon I’ll have to stir my bones And try the effect of concussive tones Upon the lazy sky.”
So Jeremy Jonathan Joseph went Away to the nearest town:
And there his money was quickly spent For queer contraptions all intent To make the rain come down.
There were cannon, and mortars, and lots of shells, And dynamite by the ton;
With a gas balloon and a chime of bells And various other mystic spells To overcloud the sun.
The day was fair and the sky was bright, And never a cloud was seen; When Jeremy Jonathan set alight His biggest fuse and screwed up tight The joints of the rain machine. He fired a shot, and barely two, When the sky began to pale; The third one brought a heavy dew, But at the fourth tornadoes blew, With thunder, rain, and hail. It rained all night and another day, And then for a week or more; It flooded the farm in a scandalous way, And drowned poor Jeremy, sad to say, Who Couldn’t stop the pour.
But now a lake lies over its stones, From whose dark bosom horrific moans Are heard noctallee.
To check the flood you started, I’ve heard All efforts were in vain;
Until the Bureau at Washington stirred, And stopped the storm with a single word, By just predicting – Rain!
The Rhyme of the Rain Machine, by F. W. Clarke, 1891 Introduction
If murder were not illegal, cloud seeding would not exist. After all, no single person has ever been prosecuted for an “act of God,” and we have never seen “Mother Nature” in a court of law.
Since we are trained by news media to believe that weather just “happens” as a natural process of condensation, we are also trained to believe that God is somewhere up in Heaven “making tornadoes and hurricanes,” and also that clouds, rain, and deaths caused by weather modification are a “natural occurance.”
This could not be further from the truth, and is rather quite the opposite.
This book will explore historical and scientific facts. Our weather is manufactured by man – worldwide.
“ Cloud condensation nuclei are necessary for cloud drop formation because of the Kelvin effect, which describes the change in saturation vapor pressure due to a curved surface. At small radii, the supersaturation needed for condensation to occur is so large that it does not happen naturally.” -Wikipedia, Cloud Physics
Weather is a natural event, just as“Christopher Columbus discovered America.”
Nothing more, nothing less. For those of us who seek the truth, here it is.
1) The History of Cloud Seeding
2) Legality Issues – How Is Murder Legal?
3) Geoengineering: Sulfate Aerosols and the Last Mass Extinction of Life on Earth
(#IPCC #Population #Stabilization and #Agenda_21)
The History of Cloud Seeding
The first (domestic and government-funded) cloud seeding experiments in recorded history took place in the 1800s.
“ WEATHER MODIFICATION . Rainmaking efforts began in Texas in the early 1890s, when army units, recalling that in the Civil War artillery bombardments often had been followed by rain, experimented by firing explosives into the air in the hope of obtaining rain. Experiments were conducted in Midland at least as early as 1891 by Gen. Robert St. George Dyrenforth, who used explosive balloons and artillery to “break the balanced state” of nature and make rainclouds develop. “ [https://ift.tt/2MyGnPD]
Individuals gained the idea of cloud seeding from the flood of Noah, when rain was a laughable subject, and witnessed “real” or “nonman-made” clouds only by volcanic eruptions of sulfuric ash (sulfur dioxide).
Sulfur dioxide, of course, is the cause of acid rain. Unfortunately for earth, rain is not a natural process. Rain merely cleanses the pollution that was created by cloud seeding in the first place. This is why many people claim that their allergies suddenly seem to vanish when rain enters the equation of what we call “weather.”
Clouds have historically been seeded by burning forests to produce ash and moisture evaporation, by aircraft, by ground cloud seeding machines, and by ocean yachts. Ocean yachts produce what is known as the “marine layer,” while ground cloud seeding machines produce most of our cloudy weather that we see today. Cloud seeding, in America, began in the 18 th century.
Aircraft cloud seeding, without a doubt, is the most destructive form of all cloud seeding methods. According to NASA, the first successful aircraft cloud-seeding mission was performed in 1923.
Since 1923, aircraft have played a vital role in manufacturing our weather. Without silver iodide, clouds would just be clouds. Without ground-seeded clouds, clouds would not exist.
A simple experiment that you can test this theory with is the condensation method. While cooking a pot of water, notice how hot that the water is before condensation is produced. Touch the water when it is hot enough to produce condensation. Actually, I would highly advise against it. The reason being: it will burn.
Water must be heated to an extremely high temperature to produce condensation. If anyone ever touches a body of water, whether it be an ocean, lake, or anything other than a boiling pot on your stove – then a cloud may possibly form from it. Actually, I will rephrase that. Condensation will form from this extremely hot body of water. Not clouds.
Water is not a convective cell by nature. This is why silver iodide must be added to the mix in order to produce the desired effect of rain.
However, in extremely large quantities, water-seeded (only) clouds will find a way to conform to gravity. Rain, snow, sleet, and hail can be produced by water-seeded clouds. Adding silver iodide to the mix was the “magic spell” that the rain-dancers sought, to complete the curse.
During the 1920s, massive cloud seeding projects began throughout the United States. At the same time, we also noticed 2 other major occurrences within the same nation.
The “mental illness” craze began. Thousands of people went insane, hospitals were filled with people in line for a frontal lobotomy.
Although some psychiatrists still claim that the cause of mental illness is “unknown” and “hereditary,” we are now able to attribute mental illness to heavy metal poisoning and vitamin deficiencies (especially Vitamin D).
Also, we noticed a great reduction in spending. More notably, the Great Depression.
When do people buy things? When are people seeking to purchase their new vehicle, home, or other form of entertainment?
Not when the weather is bad.
Cloudy weather is the number one cause of economic destruction. As a former car salesman, I can easily verify this with obvious statistics. People stay inside when it is raining, and people do not purchase new items – or even desire to work for them – when the weather is overcast.
Project Stormfury was a major turning point in weather modification.
Although clouds were seeded intentionally for war-related purposes during Vietnam and the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, the United States Air Force was intentionally tricked into believing that they cloud “stop hurricanes” by cloud seeding via aircraft – while remaining completely oblivious to the fact that the hurricane was, in fact, cloud seeded in the first place.
Sorties of aircraft flew into hurricanes, releasing silver iodide flares. The stated intent was to “create rain outside of the hurricane eye,” which would supposedly diminish the hurricane into non-existence. This is similar to pissing on a bathroom floor to dry it off. I cannot think of a better example, and I cannot create a better parable than this. It’s just that simple.
After the complete and obvious expected failure of Project Stormfury, NASA took charge of the weather modification project. It was called “SAGE” – or Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment.
After millions of people had died from weather modification, weather became a weapon. After all, who can be prosecuted when 95% of the population believes that their weather was caused by an “act of God?”
During the Vietnam era, clouds destroyed most of the crops. Clouds were seeded over Vietnam on a constant basis – leaving our troops dying of disease, while leaving the Vietnamese people with no rice crop.
The rain just never stopped. This was not a part of the war, but was most of the war. Clouds were the number one killer. Not bullets.
After aerosol experiments began, notably using aluminum and sulfur dioxide, cloud seeding took a major turn – for the worse.
Death became serial killing. Clouds became man’s enemy. Not that clouds weren’t man’s enemy before, but now, they were a threat to their very existence.
Tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons, and plagues destroyed land, homes, people, crops, and animals. This is our present situation, this is our past situation, this is weather modification.
Although Geoengineer Ken Caldeira actually admits that Geoengineering is weather modification, designed for the purpose of destruction, other Geoengineers claim that the purpose of atmospheric modification is to “prevent climate change” that is causing global warming.
Unfortunately, the claimed “science” of Al Gore that states “CO2 causes global warming” is absolutely false. White carbon is actually a “temperature regulator” for our climate. Without CO2, we would suffer an ice age or a burn age. Possibly both at the same time.
Not to mention, most cloud-seeding methods use carbon dioxide (dry ice) to seed clouds. So, where is the “human action” that causes global warming? Why must one seed clouds with carbon dioxide, blame the rise in temperature on carbon, then propose spraying sulfur to combat the effect of the first pollutant?
Did Napoleon gas the Haitians with sulfur dioxide to “save them from global warming?” He murdered them with the poisonous gas in the hulls of his ship.
There have been five mass extinctions of humanity on earth, and sulfur dioxide was involved in nearly every single one. Volcanic eruptions of sulfur aerosols that created clouds, acid rain, and sulfuric ash – destroying a vast majority of the population of humanity – while destroying nearly all crops and livestock.
This is where we are now.
Legality issues: How Is Murder Legal?
One of the lingering questions that will arise with any cloud-seeding conversation is: “how do these people get away with this?”
First, let us take a look at who funds geoengineering projects.
The Rockefeller Institute, and Bill Gates have both funded geoengineering projects; in addition to the DOD, NOAA, CIA, NASA, and USAF.
There is a huge involvement of billions of dollars within the geoengineering program.
I will use an example of how money can be used to “get away” with anything.
Nearly 2 years ago, CIA agent Raymond Davis was caught in possession of documents that instructed him to deliver bombs to Al Qaeda. Our Secretary of State paid 29.2 million dollars in “blood money” to the families of the 2 murdered ISI agents that were “hot on Raymond’s tail.”
Raymond Davis, although obviously guilty of terrorism (and the murder of 2 intelligence agents who were trying to prevent the bombs from reaching Al Qaeda), was released back into the United States.
When money talks, people listen. That is extremely unfortunate, considering that 2 innocent people died (who were trying to do the right thing), in addition to American soldiers who return with dismembered limbs (or don’t return at all) due to operations that were constructed by people such as Raymond Davis.
With cloud seeding, there is no difference.
We have a group of millionaires who claim to “save the world” from a 1-2 degree rise in temperature by “releasing heavy reflective metal aerosols to block the sunlight.” Not only reflective metals, but we also have mass amounts of sulfur and dust (see Bioprecipitation).
This program can be attributed to the death of thousands of people. Yet, no single person has ever been prosecuted for weather modification.
The UN National Convention, nearly 40 years ago, agreed that weather modification for weaponisation purposes is illegal. To this day, weather modification continues. No person has ever been convicted in court for murdering another person via weather modification, although multiple lawsuits have been filed against it.
Yet again, in 2010, the United Nations banned geoengineering once again. Unfortunately, it appears that serial killing from a safe distance has been outlawed twice – yet still continues.
Geoengineering is weather modification, and both the FBI (private conversation with agent) and Wikipedia (article: Climate Engineering) state that UAVs and any other weather modification device can be legally destroyed or disabled – as geoengineering is an attempt to alter the weather (which is illegal both internationally and within the United States).
Barium Sulfate, in 2011, was classified as a “potential biological agent” by the EPA. This ingredient is one of the two main ingredients used in geoengineering, along with aluminum being the runner-up.
The Rapid City flood is a great example of how cloud-seeding is allowed to destroy people and cities – without consequence.
Although hundreds of people died in the man-made storm in Rapid City, although a lawsuit was filed against cloud seeding after the storm, the madness continued.
Actually, the madness increased. Division of opinion creates goals for the willing. While families of the affected cried out for Justice, the sociopathic behavior of cloud seeding program instructors merely cried our for more destruction.
I am amazed at how people can watch their own families die, their own homes destroyed, everything… gone. Stolen. Raped. Taken. Killed.
Nothing is done about it. In my personal opinion, geoengineers are nothing more than a group of occultic serial killers who are able to get away with murder.
No person with an IQ above 10 could ever believe that your family is being “sprayed with sulfur and aluminum” to protect you from a 1-2 degree rise in temperature, by the same man who has admittedly participated in population control with vaccines (Bill Gates), which caused the death of 47,500 people.
Bill Gates is a murderer. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is responsible for distributing vaccines that would knowingly cause spontaneous abortion and death by paralysis. Not only this, he even admitted to using vaccines to “control the population” during a TED interview.
This man is a serial killer. He continues to kill. That is geoengineering. This is no “conspiracy theory,” this is the Charles Manson cult when Charles Manson became a billionaire.
Murder is legal if you can pay people to shut the hell up about it. Anyone who understands history or simple logic should easily understand this fact.
Cloud seeding has been a secretive government project since the
early 19 th century. Since then, weather has been the leading cause of death – when considering the illnesses, accidents, and weather events caused by weather modification.
Accidents, diseases, silver-iodide and heavy-metal side effects that shorten life spans through constant exposure. We will never know the true death toll that has been caused by this disgusting and highly deceptive program.
In fact, the World Health Organization reports that air pollution causes 1 out of 8 deaths, totalling over 7 million deaths in 2012 alone.
Of course, cloud-seeding disasters are attributed to an “act of God” or nature.
The only non-man-made “clouds” that you will see on earth, again, are from volcanoes.
“The water droplets and ice crystals that make up clouds don’t usually form spontaneously in the atmosphere — they need a solid or liquid surface to collect on. Tiny particles of dust, soot and airplane exhaust — and even bacteria — are known to provide these surfaces, becoming what atmospheric scientists call cloud condensation nuclei (CCN).”
So, if clouds need a supersaturation of 400% humidity in the atmosphere, in addition to cloud condensation nuclei, let’s take a look to see how difficult it would be to form a cloud:
Condensation (humidity) is natural. Clouds must be made with cloud condensation nuclei.
“ Wilson and Aitken discovered something else: that it is more difficult to form a cloud after one or two expansion cycles. In fact, if they waited for the cloud droplets to settle between expansions, after several expansions no cloud formed at all.
They surmised that cloud droplets must form on invisible particles of dust in the air and that each cloud that settles out takes some of the dust with it. After several cloud-forming cycles, the dust would all be cleared out of the air and no more condensation could occur. We now know they were right. Some type of solid surface, called a cloud condensation nucleus, is necessary to initiate the condensation of water droplets. In subsequent experiments, Wilson demonstrated that clouds could still form in cleaned-out air, but only with extreme supersaturation corresponding to a relative humidity of 400%.
In the free atmosphere, although it is still necessary to exceed 100% relative humidity for clouds to form, such extreme supersaturations are not necessary. Atmospheric supersaturations are usually less than 1% (101% relative humidity). And there must be plenty of cloud condensation nuclei everywhere, because even in the extremely clean air over oceans or polar ice sheets, clouds seem to have no trouble forming.
Creation of the Supersaturated State in Nature Supersaturation in nature happens the same way as in a bottle: through high humidity coupled with cooling. When warm, moist air blows over a cool surface it becomes chilled. When it is chilled below the dew point (the Figure 6. John Aitken, who from 1888 to 1892 performed a variety of experiments showing that clouds nucleate on motes of dust.
From The Collected Papers of John Aitken, temperature at which water vapor begins to condense), a fog forms. On the west coast of the United States, warm, moist air from the Pacific blows over the cold California Current and then onshore to produce the familiar fogs of San Francisco.
When, on the other hand, cool air moves over warm water, it chills humid air rising from the water, condensing it into filamentary clouds that look like steam. Hunters, campers, and naturalists know that steam fog is rather commonly found over lakes in early morning.”
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
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